Sunday, June 19, 2011

One less reason for not getting your concealed handgun license (SB 17)

While more and more people are open carrying (no license required), there are times when concealed carry may be a better option and obviously we need to carry in our vehicles no matter what method we carry.

One of the major stumbling blocks is the law regarding carrying inside a vehicle. Not just the fact that a gun in a vehicle is considered concealed (meaning license required) but also all the idiotic laws pertaining to carrying in a vehicle all together, even with a chl.

This has been a big reason that some people have chosen to not get a chl. To much hassle & once obtained, to much risk of still committing a crime, which can impact your record, job etc.

Thankfully with the passage SB17 which should become law soon if Mr. Kasich keeps his word, all the regulations on those who have chl's on how they carry in vehicles will  go away.  This will greatly lift the burden of trying to carry legally in your car or truck, making this legit reason go away.

The joke among many of us mocking the critics and their illogical arguments is that we will soon be able to drive down the road twirling our gun around our finger headed to the bar.

Personal note: I think having to get a chl to conceal carry is an infringement, but obviously the courts disagree and I only have so much time & money so I try to pick my battles. Therefore I chose to get a chl rather than fight a felony for CC'ing without it, but that's just me.

Meet & Greet in Miami County!!

Be sure to mark your calender for July 2nd and plan to attend a meet and greet in Miami County.

For more details be sure to visit

OH General Assembly passes SB17 & HB54

Buckeye Firearms Association who has been a vital force in defending our firearm rights posted  a very good article with links to the latest happenings here:

Thanks to everyone who has spent many hours of hard work to get this passed.